lørdag, februar 28, 2015

The Earth's Magnetic Field

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
Earth's magnetic field, also known as the geomagnetic field, is the magnetic field that extends from the Earth's interior to where it meets the solar wind, a stream of charged particles emanating from the Sun. Its magnitude at the Earth's surface ranges from 25 to 65 microtesla (0.25 to 0.65 gauss). Roughly speaking it is the field of a magnetic dipole currently tilted at an angle of about 10 degrees with respect to Earth's rotational axis, as if there were a bar magnet placed at that angle at the center of the Earth. Unlike a bar magnet, however, Earth's magnetic field changes over time because it is generated by a geodynamo (in Earth's case, the motion of molten iron alloys in its outer core).

The Earth's magnetic field is similar to that of a bar magnet tilted 11 degrees from the spin axis of the Earth. The problem with that picture is that the Curie temperature of iron is about 770 C . The Earth's core is hotter than that and therefore not magnetic. So how did the Earth get its magnetic field?
Magnetic fields surround electric currents, so we surmise that circulating electic currents in the Earth's molten metalic core are the origin of the magnetic field. A current loop gives a field similar to that of the earth. The magnetic field magnitude measured at the surface of the Earth is about half aGauss and dips toward the Earth in the northern hemisphere. The magnitude varies over the surface of the Earth in the range 0.3 to 0.6 Gauss.
The Earth's magnetic field is attributed to a dynamo effect of circulating electric current, but it is not constant in direction. Rock specimens of different age in similar locations have different directions of permanent magnetization. Evidence for 171 magnetic field reversals during the past 71 million years has been reported.
Although the details of the dynamo effect are not known in detail, the rotation of the Earth plays a part in generating the currents which are presumed to be the source of the magnetic field. Mariner 2 found that Venus does not have such a magnetic field although its core iron content must be similar to that of the Earth. Venus's rotation period of 243 Earth days is just too slow to produce the dynamo effect.

As we can read, the cause for why the magnetic poles are weakening is not explained, nor is there any explanations for why the magnetic poles are moving, shifting towards Siberia, at the moment very rapidly.
"The scientists who conducted the study are still unsure why the magnetic field is weakening, but one likely reason is that Earth's magnetic poles are getting ready to flip, said Rune Floberghagen." 
That is wrong, but we'll get back to that ..
Since about 10 years back, the temperature in the US has started to fall, more snow and blizzards in the winter.
In 1979 the first satellites that monitor the arctics was launched. The amount of snow in Antarctica have been increasing, both ice-mass and extent, in that whole period. In the Arctic it has been falling since 1979, but are up compared to 1974.
The temperature the last 18 years and 3 months (soon 4) has been leveled off on a plateau about 0,2 - 0,7 C. under the temperature of 1934 (raw data).

Dr. Willie Soon have through severalt papers (here, and here) showed that the sun is driving the climate of the earth. Harvard astrophysicist and climate scientist professor Dr. Willie Soon's work has lately also been confirmed by both Greenpeace and NYT.

In addition, there are over 100 papers that shows the sun is driving the climate. 

The sun's influence on earth is beyond doubt much stronger than we can imagine, it's the earth's climate engine, it gives us heat and light. Without the sun, we would not be here. The sun's magnetic field reaches far beyond the earth, it also protects us from radiation from space (cosmic radiation that influence the cloudformation). The earth's magnetic field protect us from potentially dangerous solar radiation

So, here's what the new theory is saying.

The suns magnetic field is controlling the earth's magnetic field!
When the sun’s magnetic field is weak it’s because the sun is less active,  – fewer sunspots.
Solar Cycle 24 is the weakest in a 100 years. As documented above, the earth magnetic field is getting weaker and seem to be moving. The only explanation for that is that the magnetic field in the earths core actually is not one, it's more than one. Not stacked beside each other, that wouldn't work, but in layers, each layer is generating it's field, or more than one field and together they make up the total magnetic field of the earth, governed and influenced by each other but overall governed by the sun's magnetic fields. Less control by the sun's magnetic fields, or changes in the magnetic fields, more the magnetic fields of the earth is all over the place, moving and are appearing to be weaker because the different magnetic layers, or fields are not working in the same direction as it would be when the control is stronger, ie. when the sun's magnetic fields are stronger.

The scientists are warning us of the dire consequences if the magnetic field should get weaker, flip or move. But the problem is not so much the messy magnetic fields in the earth, the problem is what it means. Because that would mean the sun is hibernating and the earth would rapidly be in a new ice age ..

Work in progress .. Updated here ..